Monday, January 16, 2012


Happy Birthday Christy! Here is a trip down memory lane. I hope you had a wonderful day!

Christy was born a short 13 months after Stacy. We had gotten used to taking care of a new we were all better when Christy came around. Christy had very fine and wispy hair when she was little. It's hard to imagine now that she has thick, curly hair that grows faster than anyone's. She can cut it short and two years later it's half-way down her back. I'm sure I speak for all of us girl's when I say I am jealous.

It took Christy forever to talk. However, once she found she had something to say...everything changed...and we haven't had any peace since. :) She also found she was a bit sarcastic and you have to watch her closely to tell if she's serious or not.

Despite her biting humor, Christy puts us all to shame with her compassion. She has, and has always had, a love of animals. She is the best aunt ever, and treats all her nieces and nephews like friends. She plays with them, takes care of them, and talks to them. She always says she loves you when she calls and is probably the glue that holds most of us together.

Christy is small....well petite. She's short and weighs nothing. None of us are sure where she comes from. But she can fill the room with her laughter. She loves to have a good time. She plays cards mercilessly and loves to win. She wants everyone to have a good time all of the time and we do when she is there.

I love you Christy.


Katie Bell said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KISSY! (Imagine me yelling at you.)

Jamie Hatch said...

For some reason she is still stuck in my mind at age 7 or 8. Like in the pictures. I guess I should visit more often.