Monday, April 12, 2010

Sock Monkeys

A certain sister, who shall remain nameless, forced me (against my will) to spend hours upon hours of time sewing very difficult sock monkeys to give to the boys for Christmas. Okay, so she didn't force me, but it seemed like such a good idea! Needless to say, mine are nowhere near as fabulous as hers, but the boys love me anyway and in turn love their sock monkeys. A few months ago, while at our local Youth Ranch, I found a set of very cute sock monkey sheets for only $5.00. I couldn't resist. I finally got them on their beds by combining the set with another sheet set, and I think they couldn't be any cuter! I put the stuffed animals ont he bed for modeling purposes...they are very cooperative. :)

1 comment:

Katie Bell said...

Those sock monkeys are about as photogenic as me....